Digital Marketing 101: The basics of Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing? 

In the beginning, it was just telemarketing. Calling people one by one from the phone book, announcing on radio, television ads, etc. But, after social media and websites were more popular the marketing shifted from conventional telemarketing to these digital entities. Thus digital marketing was born. Marketing through any digital means in Digital marketing.
In this global village people are connected through the internet, and where there are marketers can take advantage and try to sell products.
Digital marketing is a 100 billion dollar industry.

Digital Marketing can be of different forms:

Social Media Marketing (SMM): Among all the other digital marketing sectors, social media marketing is the most popular among marketers. Nowadays, people spend a big portion of their lives on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. So, as a digital marketer, this is a great place to find potential customers. Create an account, upload product pictures with details, and start selling. These accounts and pages will create your digital identity. People can find you easily. To communicate with your customers you won't need to pay for phone calls, you can do them right in your social media. There are so many social media platforms that you can run your business in any one of them, or in all of them. These social media companies even provide paid marketing ad services. They have tools that help you target the right audience for your product which will save you a ton of money for ads. And you can see the results and analyze them and remarked using retargeting functionalities as well. You'll get the best result if you can use these tools properly. This is why social media marketing is so powerful.

Search Engine Marketing (SEO) : Those who use the internet every day must use search engines every day as well. Whenever you need to know something, you're searching it on google, bing, Baidu, or some other search engine. But, when you look closely normally you click on the links that come first in the result, right? So, to stay at the top of the search result, you need to do search engine optimization.
In search engine optimization there are many components like on-page SEO,off-page SEO, backlinks, site speed optimization, and many more. By doing these tasks you will rank higher in the search results and you will get more traffics on your websites. So, it's really crucial for your online presence.

Email Marketing: Sending an email is a fantastic way of communicating with your customers. Email is a more serious form of communication. When someone receives a mail they read it carefully, so you get more attention from the consumers. So, in order to attract more customers, you can use many techniques to lure them. But, to mail in masses will be time-consuming and a waste of labor. But, in this modern age of time, there are many email marketing tools where you can send thousands of emails easily.

Video Marketing: People watch videos every day, everywhere. Maybe when they are surfing through their Facebook feeds or maybe on youtube. Suddenly a video starts playing, Bamm!! According to research, people are more drawn toward video ads than picture ads. So, for marketing, it's a great way to catch the attention of the customers. When you do video marketing for your products, people tend to believe you more. You can create a product review, product comparison, customer satisfaction stories, and many more. Nowadays anyone can create a video and upload it on youtube. But, no one knows which one will get more viewers. But, as a marketer if you know how the algorithm works then you can create better videos and get more viewers than an average joe.

Creative Writing/Blogging: Blog writing is an amazing way of expressing your inner emotions and creativity. But, when it comes to digital marketing, you can use it to your company's advantage and get more sales. You can write a blog on a single product or category. People who like to read will enjoy blogs more. And, you can easily find yourself on search engine results, if your SEO is done right. VIOLA, you will get more free visitors and more sales.
There are many people that I have noticed who write awesome articles on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media. But, I would be top-notch if were to start writing blogs instead. It's more creative, and definitely, it is more appreciated.

Search Engine Marketing(SEM): Search engine marketing is also really popular. This method has a high conversion rate. By doing Search engine marketing you can pay the search engine companies to keep you on the top of the search results. If you don't have a competitor that is. But, if other companies also pay for this service, then you have to bid higher prices to get the top position.  

Ads Marketing:  Paid marketing ads are an efficient way of getting more customers. You can be really precise about who will watch your ads. Companies have insight tools that let you see, what kind your target audience likes, their hobbies, marital status, jobs, devices that they use, universities, and many more. You can be more persuasive and retarget the users who visited your website or pages through the ad as well. To get customers quickly paying for ads is easier than free marketing strategies.

These are some of the important sectors that I discussed here. But, there are many more ways of digital marketing.

We need to remember that Digital marketing is a part of General Marketing. Even though it is related to IT, you need to be aware of Conventional marketing knowledge like 4p's of marketing, cognitive biases, consumer behavior, and some other concepts as well. And, you need to be data-driven to be successful in digital marketing. If you don't use data for your marketing, then you won't be precise enough to get the attention of the right customer and get the sale done;

Jobs in Digital marketing:

1)Digital Marketing Manager/Specialist
2)Social Media Manager
3)SEO Specialist
4)Content Marketer
5)Article Writer
7)Search Engine Marketer
8)Email Marketer & Lead Generation Specialist
9)Market Analyst
10)Affiliate/ CPA marketer

There are many more jobs related to Digital marketing and many more sub-categories as well.

According to Glassdoor, A Digital marketing manager in the USA earns 57,473 $ a year on average.

Should you Take Digital Marketing as Your career path?

Digital marketing is the future of marketing. In recent years, the methods of conventional marketing and advertisement are changing. We can not deny that internet users are increasing every day. In a world where people spend more of their time on their computers and phones, Digital marketing will be needed in every field possible.

Certificates that you can get:

                            Almost all of the certifications mentioned here are free.

                             1) Digital garage- Fundamental of Digital Marketing
                          2) Bing AD certificate
                          3) Google Tag manager Certificate
                          4) Twitter Flight school certificate)
                          5) Hub spot Inbound Marketing certificate
                          6) Hub spot Email Marketing Certification
                          7) Hub spot content Marketing certificate
                          8) Facebook Blueprint certificates - Paid Certificate
                          9) Google ads certificate
                          10) Google Analytics individual qualification certificate

If you want to learn more about Digital Marketing you can follow my blog. There are many more free resources online as well.
I'm also a student who is learning all these things. So, please leave a comment if left out something or made any mistakes. Thank you for reading my blog. :)


B.Sc Computer Science and Technology
Henan Polytechnic University


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