YouTube SEO 101: How to get more views and followers?

YouTube SEO: At the Top of the search result and Free Viewers The abbreviation of SEO is search engine optimization. Before explaining what it is, let's talk about something else. We use many search engines like Google, YouTube, Bing, etc. to find out about things every day. But, have you noticed that, we usually don't go to the second page of the search result. Most of the time, you use the first page links. So, that means you are avoiding so many other websites related to that particular keyword. Sometimes you even see on YouTube that a video of 1 million views is on top of a video with 5 or 10 million views.YouTube sometimes suggests you many videos on your Home screen or while you're watching a video. Do you think these YouTubers are paying YouTube to show you their videos first? In most cases, NO. They are not. So, what's the deal then? One answer, YouTube SEO . You are losing a lot of potential subscribers and viewers just because you don't know t...